1/1/25 Retiring Unforgettaballs after 30yrs, I have loved being part of your lives, thank you! -Emily W. (click on art site to see what I am doing now :)
Ok, this is a crazy thought, but I have not put out a new blog post in like 5 years. Whose got the time between instagram, facebook posts, etc. But maybe I am overlooking something here. Blogs you can just talk, doesn't have to be a sound bite, can actually just be what is happening in your business...I actually might be back soon to talk.. :)
Not my own, Herrington Catalogue's. And I have to say I am a little upset with them. I was their vendor, I drop shipped a few thousand baseballs for them this past Christmas (2017 xmas). I was only paid for about 200 of them. Why? Because they were in bankruptcy, but know one knew it, not me, and I'm sure not any of the vendors they were about to not pay. I know it is hard for catalogs, and it is a shame that such a nice one is going belly-up (another product of our times) but I blame the people a little bit. I was working with a few people there who knew I was a 1 person company,...
So I began my Instagram account a few years ago and I was so excited at having this way to post pictures of my product to people all over the world. I thought, awesome, my product will be a perfect fit for IG b/c all the advice columns were saying have 'interesting content'. Well, painted baseballs are super visual and very interesting content! (I know I am a bit biased) And although that has drawn many viewers to my Instagram page, I think it takes a bit more to keep them there. I wanted my IG page to be pure, full of only my baseball designs and no other content. But honestly I have found that over the past year, adding...
Wow guys you won't believe this, after 20yrs working out of my house I have finally rented a office space in a shared- office space location called 'Pipeline' in Philly. Can't tell you how strange it is to be in a new place! I never had anyone else talking but me- and was basically rolling out of bed and into work in t-shirts and shorts. (I might still be doing that, but I fix my hair first) Really loving it. It was great to have a home office, and really convenient- but kinda lonely. When my kids were little, and my dog was little there was more a reason to be home. So until we get a puppy I'm trying...
Small business lessons: So here is what happens- I try very hard to wear my 'big picture hat', but as a one person business I get very easily distracted. I have to look at each day and spend time working on parts of my business that look to the future and the growth of the business, it is so easy for me to get caught up in artwork and then forget that I am suppose to be running and growing a business! I have to remember that book 'the e-myth' go read it if you haven't yet- will really give you the right perspective on how to run your business. Big picture, all the way, every day. that is my...
Well as the media maven that I am (read newbie) I am trying my next platform and seeing if snapchat could be good for business. What I like about it: It doesn't have to be taken with a good camera, my lack of photography skills don't matter. Seems pretty damn easy to do at any point during my day. Could be a good way to show people the life of a 1 person business- striving to be a million dollar company! What I don't like about it: How do I get people to know I'm there?! Having to ask my son constantly what the different symbols mean Is everyone there under the age of 20?? I will keep you all posted- meanwhile-...
So as a one person business I wear all the hats. This can be fun b/c I never get bored only painting all day, or only making sales calls, I get to mix it up a lot. The downside is I can pick and choose what I like and ignore what I don't like to do! So my latest idea (stolen from someone's online suggestion) is to create an Excel spread sheet- my husband will be so proud he loves when I use Excel for anything- and on this sheet I have organized my work hours for the week. 9-5 and divided up my time so I am making sure to spend time each week on wholesale sales, and painting,...
So let's discuss, how many is the right amount? I use to think that if I sent out emails more than 1x every 3-4 months that I was bugging people. Funny, I still sort of believe that, but I started sending out 1-2x a month b/c I have had so many new designs to show, and I have to say it does increase sales. I actually think with all of the emails people receive on a daily basis, they just delete what they don't want to read. So sending out more often has me capturing some people on some blasts, and other people on other blasts. It seems that as long as you don't send out multiple times a week...
I should end the blog right there with the title b/c I actually don't have an answer! Having worked out of my house for so many years there is a lot to be said for it. I can be around for my kids and dog when needed, my wardrobe is shorts and t-shirts, and I can work anytime of day. But in the age where everyone is moving from office to home-office I find myself pushing against the current. The advantages of being in an office (even a shared space which is what I would do) are huge- people to see and talk to, the feeling of being out in the world and not home alone at a desk, reasons...
I started in the last few months taking on custom orders for baseballs- it's fun and it keeps me painting which is the part of my business I enjoy the most. But here's the problem- I'm a slow painter. Always have been, it seems the slower I am, the better the result is. Probably b/c my work is meticulous, it needs a lot of careful attention. But whatever the reason, people who are looking for a baseball gift, for a baseball fan, love the idea of creating a personal baseball design. Which is wonderful, except that to create designs as detailed as what I sell on my site takes about 20 hours. The balls on my site are prints of...