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1/1/25 Retiring Unforgettaballs after 30yrs, I have loved being part of your lives, thank you! -Emily W. (click on art site to see what I am doing now :)

The difficult thing about custom work

Posted by Emily Wolfson on

I started in the last few months taking on custom orders for baseballs- it's fun and it keeps me painting which is the part of my business I enjoy the most. But here's the problem- I'm a slow painter. Always have been, it seems the slower I am, the better the result is. Probably b/c my work is meticulous, it needs a lot of careful attention.

But whatever the reason, people who are looking for a baseball gift, for a baseball fan, love the idea of creating a personal baseball design. Which is wonderful, except that to create designs as detailed as what I sell on my site takes about 20 hours. The balls on my site are prints of that original painting, so I can sell them for $25, but the original would cost about $1100. Maybe I will put up a custom orders section where I can explain this on my site!