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1/1/25 Retiring Unforgettaballs after 30yrs, I have loved being part of your lives, thank you! -Emily W. (click on art site to see what I am doing now :)

Preordering - How It's Helping My Small Business

Posted by Emily Wolfson on

Ok, so who thought that preordering was such a great idea for my little business?!  I have never done it before b/c I didn’t have a good system of holding people’s orders, and didn’t have a way to show people the gift baseball designs I make before they are ready for sale.  But that has all changed now for 2 main reasons:

1. By showing people on my instagram/ facebook page the flat artwork for my baseballs, they can see what the ball will look like even though it is out flat.

2. With a wordpress site, I can take a pic of my flat artwork and post it with my baseballs on my site- I don’t have to wait for the finished baseball to come in!

With so many designs of baseballs I sell, this really helps to figure out how many to print at one time!  So this pic is my Yankees tribute to ‘The Captain’ a great player, and an inspiration to everyone- even a Philly fan like me.