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1/1/25 Retiring Unforgettaballs after 30yrs, I have loved being part of your lives, thank you! -Emily W. (click on art site to see what I am doing now :)

Painting the KC Royals Stadium Ball

Posted by Emily Wolfson on

I was in a mad rush to paint the Royals stadium baseball knowing that they are in the World series- and all the fans would be so excited since the last WS win was 1985.  Funny how some stadiums are just a breeze to paint, while others get tricky.  

The tricky part of this stadium was that I want to paint the name as it appears on the building, as the 'outer panel' on the ball.  But for Kauffman, they just put up a beautiful front to their stadium with all this glass, but it is not where it says 'Kauffman' on the building, so I needed to pick the side that had the name written on it.

So I painted this version a few diff ways- best part about paint- when you change your mind you just paint right over it! Here is a pic of my finished painting.  I really hope to have this baseball in stock by early December.