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1/1/25 Retiring Unforgettaballs after 30yrs, I have loved being part of your lives, thank you! -Emily W. (click on art site to see what I am doing now :)

We're Pregnant! Baseball


We're Pregnant! Baseball We're Pregnant! Baseball We're Pregnant! Baseball We're Pregnant! Baseball We're Pregnant! Baseball We're Pregnant! Baseball We're Pregnant! Baseball We're Pregnant! Baseball

We're Pregnant! Baseball


We’re Pregnant Baseball

A great way to let someone special in your life know you're pregnant!  Surprise them with a baseball!  Comes with silver satin bag- you can hide baseball in sack, out of the cube, and tuck under a pillow as a surprise!  Ball can then be saved as a keepsake in the cube.

Includes a protective, clear lucite display box.

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